Insulation Contractors in Waukegan, IL
- Cellulose Insulation: Made out of recycled or treated paper, this blown in insulation is perfect for attics as well as closed in wall cavities.
- Fiberglass Insulation: This style of insulation is made out of a fiber reinforced polymer, typically used in easily accessible areas and many new construction projects
- Injection Foam Insulation: Injection foam is inserted through small openings in your walls and expands to fill in the empty space.
- Spray Foam Insulation: Used in band joists, near electrical penetrations, around plumbing and more. In difficult to reach areas, spray foam is the ideal option because it expands to fill the area.
- Spray foam for trouble spots
- Fiberglass for new construction where there is access
- Loose cellulose for attics and older homes requiring updated insulation
Service Information
City: Waukegan, Illinois
County: Lake County, Illinois
Zip Codes Served: 60079, 60085, 60087